The AfAA has various committees made up of members who focus their efforts on specific aspects designed to ensure the AfAA meets its objectives. |
Programme Committee Members of the Programme Committee will be responsible for identifying the theme of the conference; putting together a draft programme; consulting on the content, topics, and scope of different panel sessions; and putting out a call for expressions of interest after approval by the AfAA Board. | Awards Committee Members of the Awards Committee will be responsible for identifying the Categories of Awards, formulating the nomination criteria, preparing the Call for Nominations, identifying and approaching potential Judges; shortlisting nominees; liaising with the Panel of Judges; and organising the Awards Ceremony in cooperation with AfAA Secretariat. |
Young AfAA Committee The Young AfAA Committee is a networking & knowledge-sharing Group of AfAA members belonging to the “35 years and under” Membership Level. Members of this Committee will share experiences and knowledge in international arbitration / ADR; encourage peer-to-peer learning with the aim of growing the Africa international arbitration / ADR community. | Capacity Building Committee Membership of the Capacity Building Committee entails supporting centres/institutions/academic institutions that run arbitration/ADR programs and training; it will explore creating a baseline for content of training and explore modes of delivery; it will produce a newsletter, blog or journal as required by the AfAA. The expected time commitment is between 2-3 hours a week. |
Judicial Committee Membership of the judicial training task force entails participating in or facilitating the holding of judicial training in Africa, as part of the three-year plan currently being developed by AfAA. Participation is on an ad hoc basis, and could take the form of making contact with government or judiciary, assisting in the distribution of training materials, and organising, hosting or contributing to judicial training. | Standards Committee Membership of the Standards Committee entails developing and publishing Africa-related standards and guidelines on international arbitration practices. It is anticipated that all Members of the Committee will be involved in performing a needs-analysis in respect of standards and guidelines in Africa. Members will then, on a project-specific basis, be involved in conceptualising and formulating the necessary documentation, for comment and ultimate presentation and publication. |
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